Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spiny Bodied Animals

A sand dollar
 A brittle star
A sea cucumber
 A sea urchin
 A sea star coming out of water
1. All spiny bodied animals live in the ocean
2. All spiny bodied animals have five part bodies and spines
3.There are  four different types of spiny bodied animals like sea cucumber and sea dollar  
4.Some people like to collect them
5.They have many tubes that help them move,feel and capture food

Friday, October 14, 2011

Josie's Fabulous Candy Corn

I am going to  call my factory Josie's Fabulous candy corn and I  would build it in Omaha because it is a big city and there is a lot of people. I would make candy corn in my factory because i think that candy corn is awesome and i would need about 259 workers for making, packing and delivering the candy corn to Walmart, Casey's and convent stores all over Iowa.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Segmented Worms

A giant blue earthworm
1.  Segmented worms can live on land in fresh and salt water .
2. Segmented worms have 2 openings one for digesting food and the other on i for getting rid of waste .
3.  They all eat dead plants and animals.
4.  All segmented worms are complex invertebrates.
5.  There are a lot of different segmented worms like leeches and earthworms.

a leech

A clamworm

Monday, October 10, 2011


A snail
1. Some mollusks have shells and some do not have shells.
2. Mollusks can live on land, in fresh water and salt water.
3.Mollusks have a muscular foot for moving and they have a head.
4. Clams and oysters have two shells between there is a hinge.
A sea slug
a pearl oyster
5. Some people like to eat mollusks like oysters,snails,squid.

Monday, October 3, 2011


1. Roundworms have two openings instead of one opening.
2. All Roundworms are parasites that live inside of living things.
3. You always want to were shoes when you are outside because if you don't you could get a Roundworm.
4. Roundworms usually live in your intestines ad clog them up.
5. Roundworms can be pretty long not as long as flatworm 

a bunch of roundworms