Friday, November 11, 2011

Parenting Advice

Dear Mr.Salt and Mrs.Salt
I have some advice for you about Veruca. When she wants something you have to say no. I know it might be hard at first but just to warn you she might get a little mad. But that is ok because she needs to learn that she dosen't get whatever she wants. Have you ever heard of grounding it is were you send them to there room  for two hours or more. When she starts to wine or through a fit you have to send her to her room if she starts to cry do not fall for it stay strong and just wait till she is done crying . I advice that you need to discipline her a lot  now so she knows that she dosen't get whatever she wants . If that dosen't work i don't know what will.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

5 New Children

There are 5 new kids coming to the Willy Wonka factory

Koby Craezey because he is very crazy.

Ray Reaion because he likes rain.

Drew Driaw because he likes to draw

Marie Maey because she likes the month May.

Lalla Leiay because she likes the chips Lays .

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What I'm Looking Foward to in 4th Grade

I am looking  forward to doing a lot of experiments because we will learn new thing and we will have lots  of fun. I am looking forward  to having to do fun things in class and still learning. I am looking forward to Chronicles of Narnia the Series because we don't know what next. I am looking forward to Social Studies because we will learn a lot and we will have a great time. I am looking forward to learning a lot of different things in school. I am looking forward to having fun with my friends and doing different things in school. I am looking forward to specials in school it will be awesome. I am looking forward to having recess so i can play with my friends and get fresh air. I am looking forward to reading alot in school so i can learn new thing and to laugh. 

Saftey Day 2011

  • At fire safety I learned how to prevent fires from happening
  • At first aid I learned  how to put something on my arm if it got broken
  • At  farm safety I learned that you need TO KEEP KIDS OF  THE EQUIPMENT AT ALL TIME
  • At railroad safety I learned that you need to stay a little far away from railroad tracks.
  • At  chemical lookalike I learned never to smell things that do not look familiar  
  • At outdoor safety  I learned that you always need a survival bag with you
  • At intenet safety i learned never say mean things on the intenet

The Wonka Headline

There was a girl named Ali. She was very very spoiled and got what ever she wanted. Her dad and mom were very rich, so she got a golden ticket. When they got to the nut cracking room, she wanted a chipmunk, but she didn't listen to Mr. Willy Wonka. Then she ended up getting thrown down the garbage shoot by a big group of chipmunks. Her dad then came for her but he didn't want to go down the garbage shoot. He bent down to much and a chipmunk pushed him in. At the end they came out and they were covered in trash.

The Wacky Nackys

The Wacky Nackys are from Nackyland .  They live down on the ground in houses because there are bugs that fly up way in the sky that they do not like ether one. There are some bugs named  sting stinger and bugaboo. All the women wacky nackys they were flowers for clothes. The men were deer fur for clothes and the babes were nothing. The Wacky Nackys make and sell different kind of thing to other  Wacky Nackys .They love sweets alot so i feed them sweets all day.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spiny Bodied Animals

A sand dollar
 A brittle star
A sea cucumber
 A sea urchin
 A sea star coming out of water
1. All spiny bodied animals live in the ocean
2. All spiny bodied animals have five part bodies and spines
3.There are  four different types of spiny bodied animals like sea cucumber and sea dollar  
4.Some people like to collect them
5.They have many tubes that help them move,feel and capture food

Friday, October 14, 2011

Josie's Fabulous Candy Corn

I am going to  call my factory Josie's Fabulous candy corn and I  would build it in Omaha because it is a big city and there is a lot of people. I would make candy corn in my factory because i think that candy corn is awesome and i would need about 259 workers for making, packing and delivering the candy corn to Walmart, Casey's and convent stores all over Iowa.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Segmented Worms

A giant blue earthworm
1.  Segmented worms can live on land in fresh and salt water .
2. Segmented worms have 2 openings one for digesting food and the other on i for getting rid of waste .
3.  They all eat dead plants and animals.
4.  All segmented worms are complex invertebrates.
5.  There are a lot of different segmented worms like leeches and earthworms.

a leech

A clamworm

Monday, October 10, 2011


A snail
1. Some mollusks have shells and some do not have shells.
2. Mollusks can live on land, in fresh water and salt water.
3.Mollusks have a muscular foot for moving and they have a head.
4. Clams and oysters have two shells between there is a hinge.
A sea slug
a pearl oyster
5. Some people like to eat mollusks like oysters,snails,squid.

Monday, October 3, 2011


1. Roundworms have two openings instead of one opening.
2. All Roundworms are parasites that live inside of living things.
3. You always want to were shoes when you are outside because if you don't you could get a Roundworm.
4. Roundworms usually live in your intestines ad clog them up.
5. Roundworms can be pretty long not as long as flatworm 

a bunch of roundworms

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Two pieces of tapeworm
  1. Some flatworms are parasites that live inside living things.
  2. All flatworms can regenerate parts of there body except organs.
  3. All planarians swim in water and feed on dead things.
  4. Every flatworm has one opening that is were they eat and get rid of stuff.
  5. Fluke
    Two planarians
  6. About have of the flatworm family are scavengers that feed on dead organisms or rotting organisms.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Stinging-Celled Organisms

1. Several dozen jellyfish larvae can hatch at once.
2. Sea anemone are colorful polyps named after an equally colorful terrestrial flower
3. Hydra is a small fresh water polyp that has been well known for over 200 years for its remarkable regenerative capacity
4. The Hydra that lacks its nervous system is called epithelial hydra
5. Coral are ancient animals that have grown for over 25 millions years and more.
6. Coral grows in one spot and will grow there for the rest of their lives.

A very large jellyfish

A close up of a pink Hydra
One tye dye picture of live coral

One white piece of sea anemone

Thursday, September 22, 2011


1. The sponge is not a coral and it is not a plant rather it is classified as an animal which has no brain nor central nervous system.
2. There are approximately 5,000 species of sponges
3.Sponges can be attacked by predators or even sponges around them
4. Did you now that sponges are not a plant or part of a coral reef
5. Sponges do not have organs instead they have specialized cells that carry out all essential processes
6. To protect themselves they spill toxins in to the area around them
A purple piece of coral
a brown piece of coral that has been dried

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Favorite Book Series

My Favorite Book Series
    My favorite book series are mysteries because you never  know what's next  They are spooky. The books keep me entertained all the time. The books are always mysterious and scary. Once you start, you may  stop reading them i didn't stop reading them. Mystery books are the best.

Friday, September 9, 2011

About Me Cinquian


Nice Smile

I have Dimples

I love Justin bieber

My favorite subject is science

Long hair

Friday, September 2, 2011



So cute.
Very furry.
Eat a little too much.
They like to move a lot.


Sleek and scaly.
They lurk in the rain forest .
Eat a lot.