Friday, January 27, 2012

Sam's Famous Onions\Miss Katherine's Spiced Peaches

Sam's Famous Onions
Do you have so problems with some stuff like baldness you should Sam's Famous Onion paste the cures anything even baldness. Like this one lady named Mrs. Collingwood she used the paste on her husbands head but it usually smelled like onions every morning that was the only bad thing about it. So if you want to buy it you can call 1-800-790-594 call now. You can get it half off if you call in the next 30 min but wait its only 11.99 so call now.


 Miss Katherine's Famous Peaches

If you like so spice to you peaches and other things like peach cobbler you have to call 1-800-5908.Miss Katherine will make spiced peaches everyone loves them. But wait If you call in the next 30 min. you will get a second jar of spiced peaches so call now.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,
             Its awesome here we are learning how to rock climb its kinda easy for me but everyone else it super hard. Everyone is super excited cause next week we are going to camp outside instead of inside we are going to roast marshmallows and have hot cocoa yum yum. There are a lot of different people here I'm making a lot of friends I'll try to write to you when I get the chance. From me and my friends Kaylee, Grace, Nick S., Tagen and Ian


Dear Mom,
    Here at Camp Green Lake we have to dig 5 feet deep hole and 5 feet wide it complete sorrow. We get to sleep in tents there's this one  women that's named Warden she must be the head person around here. We only get a 5 minute shower after we dig a hole every day i met some people like this one guy's name is Nick. All of us have to sleep in cots which is itchy and none of us can barley get to sleep well its time to dig a hole and by the way I have a new nickname called red face.
                       Red face,   

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Winter Break

The first week me and my family stayed at are house then when it came to christmas eve we went to my nanas and opened presents i got some Justice clothes and a fun and fabulous diary.Then christmas day me , Koby and my stepsister Kj we were up since 4 in the morning and when it was 5:30 we woke up are parents and Madyx and Cade we opened presents and the rest of the day we played with are presents. Then the rest of the week mom had to work but when it got to friday me and my sis went to her daycare cause we had to spend the night there because mom and John went to a hotel in Omaha they came back about 3:30 saturday and we went home. Finally when it was the next day we went to my grandpa Charlies to celebrate christmas I got a Green Bay Snuggie and we went home the next day i stayed home and then i went to my sisters daycare with her to help out and hang out with my friend.