Friday, January 20, 2012

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,
             Its awesome here we are learning how to rock climb its kinda easy for me but everyone else it super hard. Everyone is super excited cause next week we are going to camp outside instead of inside we are going to roast marshmallows and have hot cocoa yum yum. There are a lot of different people here I'm making a lot of friends I'll try to write to you when I get the chance. From me and my friends Kaylee, Grace, Nick S., Tagen and Ian


Dear Mom,
    Here at Camp Green Lake we have to dig 5 feet deep hole and 5 feet wide it complete sorrow. We get to sleep in tents there's this one  women that's named Warden she must be the head person around here. We only get a 5 minute shower after we dig a hole every day i met some people like this one guy's name is Nick. All of us have to sleep in cots which is itchy and none of us can barley get to sleep well its time to dig a hole and by the way I have a new nickname called red face.
                       Red face,   

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