Friday, February 24, 2012

Different Perspectives

It looked like momma was hurting Byron it really scared me. I tried to stop her but she said Joey dear I made a promise to God she asked me do you want to break that promise. I said no because I went to Sunday school every weekend so I had to close my eyes and hug Kenny.  When momma was about to do it I was super scared I saw that Byron was trying to hold back the tears. I felt really bad for Byron I wanted to hug him so bad. I was crying so bad Kenny tried to calm me down.

 It made me feel scared because this has never happened to me before. I don't know what caused momma to do this I was throwing it down the toilet and flushing it. It wasn't any harm to the house not that I know of. I was trying to imagine that I was somewhere else but when she touched me with the match. I was about to scream and cry it hurt so so so so bad. Now I know not to play with matches now I have learned my lesson.

 In my point of view I didn't want to do it but Byron had to learn his lesson. I told that boy if he did it a another time I would burn a finger of his and I wasn't kidding. After I did that I told that boy if he did it again I would burn his whole hand. So hope fully that boy will learn his lesson once and for all. I don't want to do that again it broke my heart.       

Monday, February 13, 2012

When I grow up

When I grow up I want to become The Next Great Baker. I want to become that because I love to cook. I think it would be cool to work on Cake Boss with Buddy. i would learn new things to cook. I would meet new people. I would learn new things to pass on to my family. Those are all the reasons that I want to become The Next Great Baker.
I also would like to become a nurse. I  would like to become a nurse because I would get to help people. Also because my grandmas a nurse. I would learn how to treat different problems like if a guy had a flu I would know what shot to give him. I would meet different people and see different people. I would learn different kinds of medicines. That is all the reasons that I would like to become a nurse.
Finally I would like to become a teacher. I would like to become a teacher because I would meet new students.I would teach new things to the kids. I would help children because I am really good with kids. I would get to learn new things myself. I would get to learn new things with the kids. Those are all the reasons I want to become a teacher.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chapter 51

                     It's the second week of school after winter break Hector met a new friend  his name is Elli he is in there class. Elli came from Camp Dry Lake were they go to prisons and help out and so they can learn they don't want to be like that. That night Stanley asks his mom if Elli can hang out Stanley's  mom says yes so Stanley tells Elli. They turn out he is not as good as they thought he was Elli got sent to jail for stealing a crown jewel so Elli got sent to jail not Camp Dry Lake. But now when ever Stanley and Hector went to school Stanley had to stay by Hector because Elli would try to take Hector away.  One day Elli wouldn't leave them a lone so Stanley went to to the principles office. The principle just told me and Hector to stay away from him she said Elli was bad news.              
                  It was the first weekend since the Elli incident Stanley's mom high alert she made them stay inside the hole weekend and from now on Stanley's mom would drive them to school and back. It was Sunday Stanley and Zero were happy to get out of the house because all they could do was play boring not fun board games.Today surprising Elli wasn't there they went on with there day peace full and quiet then all the sudden Elli comes in the middle of Guided Reading were they are doing Blog Questions Elli says sorry I'm late my sister  had surgery on her stomach. Everyone was like hi Elli but Stanley and Hector just did there work of course Mrs. Mover said why won't you sit by Stanley he can help you on your assignment.  Elli said ya sure I'll get right to it Stanley was for sure not happy but  Stanley was a nice guy Stanley would help anyone.           

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chapter 49.5

What happened was that Hector was living with Stanley because Hector didn't have a family and because they were friends now. The suitcase they found it had gems in it wich was just worth 20,000 dollars after all the stuff Stanley's parents paid for Stanley and Hector each got 1,000 dollars. Stanley and Hector got to go to school Hector made a lot of new friends. After all the things that have happened with Hector and Stanley they are like brothers now but they don't fight.      

During school they were in 8 grade Hector was in they same class as Stanley they sat by each other. Hector was doing good in school he was so close to doing better than Stanley that made Stanley feel proud. Hector said he really liked reading because he was learning a lot it made himself happy and Stanley happy. The first weekend in the school year Hector stayed up all night working on his homework unlike Stanley he did his homework on Sunday. When the first report card came both of them got all A's Stanley's mom made them a special dinner and they scarfed it down.    

Friday, February 3, 2012


His name is Brad and how he got to Camp Green Lake you ask he stole a diamond from a very rare necklace. His nickname is stealer because he stole the diamond from the necklace at a museum and he is not I repeat not a good friend with Stanley Brad is more friends with Armpit and ZigZag. As you know Stanley and ZigZag are not good friends even Brad calls Zero stupid from what Brad heard about Zero. Brad needs a little more displan so he has to dig twice as much so he has dig 10 feet deep and 10 feet wide.