Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chapter 51

                     It's the second week of school after winter break Hector met a new friend  his name is Elli he is in there class. Elli came from Camp Dry Lake were they go to prisons and help out and so they can learn they don't want to be like that. That night Stanley asks his mom if Elli can hang out Stanley's  mom says yes so Stanley tells Elli. They turn out he is not as good as they thought he was Elli got sent to jail for stealing a crown jewel so Elli got sent to jail not Camp Dry Lake. But now when ever Stanley and Hector went to school Stanley had to stay by Hector because Elli would try to take Hector away.  One day Elli wouldn't leave them a lone so Stanley went to to the principles office. The principle just told me and Hector to stay away from him she said Elli was bad news.              
                  It was the first weekend since the Elli incident Stanley's mom high alert she made them stay inside the hole weekend and from now on Stanley's mom would drive them to school and back. It was Sunday Stanley and Zero were happy to get out of the house because all they could do was play boring not fun board games.Today surprising Elli wasn't there they went on with there day peace full and quiet then all the sudden Elli comes in the middle of Guided Reading were they are doing Blog Questions Elli says sorry I'm late my sister  had surgery on her stomach. Everyone was like hi Elli but Stanley and Hector just did there work of course Mrs. Mover said why won't you sit by Stanley he can help you on your assignment.  Elli said ya sure I'll get right to it Stanley was for sure not happy but  Stanley was a nice guy Stanley would help anyone.           

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